Smart Lighting 2D is a powerful tool to setup lighting for 2D scene. 
Initially this Lighting Engine was used for CS2D Steam 
There will be many more features soon! 

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Demo Video (Soon) 

● 2D Dynamic Lighting 
● Soft Shadows 
● Day shadows with angle of sun 
● Day Shadows height 
● 5 Tech Demos 
● Custom darkness level 
● Supports 2D Colliders - Circle, Box, Capsule, Polygon, Edge 
● Concave/Covex Polygon Collider Shapes 
● Texture Based Lighting 
● Full C# Code API 
● 2D Geometry Helper API 

Planned Features: 
● Day & Night Cycle 
● TileMap Support 
● General polishing and performance improvements 

If you have any questions or issues,
please mail 
Feel free to contact me!